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Hot under the Collar

September 22nd, 2020

The weather has been extremely hot lately. The report warned that light winds and relatively high humidity will allow for the heat index to rise to excessive levels resulting in dangerously hot conditions. The choice of such strong language was warning enough, we were in for a scorcher of a time, and with little to no wind to wick moisture away, swimming in sweat might prove to be a new activity for many. Our zephyrs are named the North East Trades Winds. Songs have been written and sung about them. They have saved many of us from some stroke-filled days and miserable nights.
So now everyone is hot, fans are flying out the stores and the AC technicians are working overtime installing and servicing units. And all the talk is about how hot and uncomfortable it is.

There are other times in our lives when we become quite hot and uncomfortable. When we follow the ego-mind and do things that are not in our best interest.

We hate ourselves and we hate others.
We are jealous and envious.
We commit murder in our minds.
And stir up dis-ease in our bodies.

And this makes us hot and uncomfortable because it does not feel good.

We did not come here for that.

We came to fulfill the promise of being our best selves, to live and let live, and to know when to let go.

The northeast trades in our lives are to keep us in love, happiness, peace, and joy.

Chase the heat away and let the breezes blow.

Expect the OMG Miracles

September 21st, 2020

Blessings in the form of small miracles follow us around every day giving us the opportunity to decide whether to accept them or not. There are many of us who feel undeserving so as a consequence, we let our tiny blessings pass us by.

I had two small miracles happen to me recently. I will not go into the great detail but sufficed to say that one involved a cell phone with a cracked screen and water. The phone was drowning for over an hour and it did not stop working. Mind you, it is not one of those fire, water, and bulletproof phones available nowadays. It is a simple smartphone that I have had for a few years. It was not supposed to survive its ordeal and come out working still.

The other was seeing food multiply before my very eyes, resulting in being more than enough to feed everyone at a family event I was responsible for hosting. Funnily, the night before as I was doing the pre-preparation, I told my helper that we may end up with a 5-loaves-and-3-small-fishes story tomorrow. It ended up being such an event. I knew that my ancestors were in the midst and they assisted in that one.

What small miracle have you had recently?
What has happened to you, that you have not been able to explain in any logical way, try as you might?
What simple blessing have you received that caused you to thank your ancestors, spirit guides, and the Divine from the bottom of your heart?

The little ones are segwaying into the bigger ones.

Those that make us say OMG.

Expect the OMG Miracles

September 21st, 2020

Blessings in the form of small miracles follow us around every day giving us the opportunity to decide whether to accept them or not. There are many of us who feel undeserving so as a consequence, we let our tiny blessings pass us by.

I had two small miracles happen to me recently. I will not go into the great detail but sufficed to say that one involved a cell phone with a cracked screen and water. The phone was drowning for over an hour and it did not stop working. Mind you, it is not one of those fire, water, and bulletproof phones available nowadays. It is a simple smartphone that I have had for a few years. It was not supposed to survive its ordeal and come out working still.

The other was seeing food multiply before my very eyes, resulting in being more than enough to feed everyone at a family event I was responsible for hosting. Funnily, the night before as I was doing the pre-preparation, I told my helper that we may end up with a 5-loaves-and-3-small-fishes story tomorrow. It ended up being such an event. I knew that my ancestors were in the midst and they assisted in that one.

What small miracle have you had recently?
What has happened to you, that you have not been able to explain in any logical way, try as you might?
What simple blessing have you received that caused you to thank your ancestors, spirit guides, and the Divine from the bottom of your heart?

The little ones are segwaying into the bigger ones.

Those that make us say OMG.

Where does Imagination Stop and True Intuition Begin?

September 21st, 2020

Where does imagination stop and true intuition begin? I have asked myself this very question many times. I doubted my ability to discern. And was ready to believe that it was just all craziness. This continued for several months with me receiving the messages and having the conversations with myself. Sometimes quite loudly.

I got the answer one day. It came very subtly. That is one of the tricks of the Universe. It does not come with ringing bells and flashing bulbs. It is stealthy and delivers its message to you cat-woman like.
The response was that it is all the same once you are aligned to Source Intelligence. The energy and messages are transferred during that time of alignment in the form of imagination, ideas, thoughts, or even pictures. Clear and vivid, subtle but still sharp.

This, therefore, means that looking for intuitive messages outside of being spiritually aligned is like hoping to make a call when there is no cell signal.

To get from a misaligned position is not the hardest job in the world, as a matter of fact, it is the easiest job because all you have to do is to sit and do nothing.
Start by sitting and doing nothing, every day, for as long as you can bear your doing-nothingness.

Before long, you will begin to look forward to these times as you sit and feel the power of Source Energy beginning to wrap itself around you, showering you will pure positive energy. Everything just flows after that, into one beautiful imagination-filled kaleidoscope of wonderfulness.

The nothingness becomes bliss.
The Imagination becomes the umbilical to Source.
And there is no crazy here.

Satisfied in the Now

September 19th, 2020

Last evening, I stayed in my garden even after it had gotten dark. It’s one of my favourite times of the day because it allows me to get further in touch with myself, the part that connects me to Source Intelligence.

I speak to the plants, the soil, the water, and the air. I even speak to the butterflies and caterpillars, the earthworms, and the grasshoppers, thanking them for the role they all play in the cycle of life and for allowing me to do my part and so sharing in the process.

This night I saw a firefly. It may not sound important enough to report but nowadays you do not see fireflies often. It may be that we have removed ourselves so far from nature and all things natural that the space we occupy is not visited by fireflies. It flashed its light, once, twice, as it beckoned to a potential mate. Mr. Fire Fly soon disappeared into the bushes since entertaining me was not on his evening to-do list.
I felt a sudden rush of gratitude starting in my lower belly and radiated upwards filling me with a sense of well-being and contentment.

It is a feeling you will never get from a bottle or a pill.
You will never get it from having the best job, or house or car.
You will never get it from winning a million dollars.

It doesn’t come from the material.
It comes from an acceptance of where you are in life.
It comes from being grateful for the little things.
It comes from being satisfied in the now.

Look for the Signs and Synchronicities

September 18th, 2020

The Universe speaks to us in many different ways, one of which is through signs and synchronicities; like this morning, I went outside to feed my dogs and say a one-dollar coin on my doormat. It was lying heads up, showing the image of Queen Elizabeth II. The members of our currency union were all former British colonies and so images of the queen can still be found on all of our coins and dollar bills. My grandmother’s name was Elizabeth and she has been visiting me quite often with instructions and guidance on things I ought to do. The coin was a message from her which I understood clearly. I smiled, said thank you, and picked it up.

Our logical mind prefers to come up with a better reason as to why we may encounter synchronicities and sometimes there are logical explanations for them but there are other times when the intuitive part of us says that it is more than a mere coincidence. Whether we accept or dismiss the message, it is up to us but we should not then say that our prayers go unanswered or our wishes not granted.

Having the view that ‘if it’s not grand, then it’s not it’ causes us to miss out on the many little blessings that life bestows on us, the pennies along our path that eventually leads to the abundance that we seek.

I invite us to look for the signs, accept their meanings, and expect the blessings.

When Smart People do Stupid Things

September 17th, 2020

We have all done stupid things in our life. The brilliant ones among us have done it and even those of us who are a few q’s short on the intelligence measure have also done some stupid things. I am therefore no exception and I have done a lot, things that when I look back on them cause a whole gamut of emotions to run through me; pain, shame, dismay, self-loathing, and even amazement at my ludicrousness.

How do we deal with these memories?

My simple mantra is to feel and release, feel and release, feel and release until there is nothing left to feel.

But no. We do something stupid and want to relive the sufferation resulting from our actions ad infinitum. We have to punish ourselves by recalling it every time and them going through the corresponding emotional turmoil.

The feeling part is the easier part of the process. We berate ourselves and lower our vibrations which does nothing but to continue our downward spiral into despair. And from the bottom of that pit, it is sometimes hard to climb back out. So our best bet is to not go there in the first place.

I admit it can be difficult to release something and it may take years of going back and forth but once we have truly let it go, it won’t ever come back.

Feel it and release it.

Give a Little, Get a Lot

September 16th, 2020

The Universe works in a way that may seem mysterious to us but is simple, really. It operates on the premise that when you give a little, you receive a lot in return. The ROI is far greater than any other investment portfolio you might hold.

So why don’t we benefit from the abundance that the universe constantly offers? It is simple, really. We do not give, not even the little bit that is required. I recall writing about giving a man the last mango I had. Mango, hands down, is my favourite fruit, and given that it was nearing the end of the season, I knew that they were going to be scarce as quality field-grown MJ during a drought. Lo and behold, the very next week I visited someone’s farm and there were at least a half dozen mango trees, all with fruit. Talk about ROI!.

This may seem insignificant to you, what is a mango? What is getting a bag of mangoes?

But the rule still stands. Give a little, give it from a good place, expecting nothing in return, and see how the Universe blesses you.
Every time.

For Mature Audiences Only

September 15th, 2020

For Mature Audiences Only. This is the tag line for a 3 am radio talk show I have been planning in my head. I do not know if it will ever materialize past my thoughts but I find the idea fascinating. I know that the first thought that comes to mind when we think of 3 am and mature audiences is something along the line of sex. Our human mind naturally gravitates towards that. This show will be different. It will be centered around all things metaphysical and spiritual. There is no doubt that to even begin having discussions on ideas deemed esoteric in nature would require a mature and open audience.

We will be looking for an audience that is willing to accept that there is more than what religion offers. That perhaps, religion being manmade, was not even designed to feed the deeply spiritual part of us, the part that connects us to Source Intelligence.

We will be looking for an audience that understands there are many things that science can explain but there are many more than it cannot. And so be willing to dig into the deep recesses of the subconscious, either through meditation or dreams and explore the many astral planes that one may encounter.

We will be looking for an audience that shares in the belief that death is simply a rite of passage. It allows us the shed the heavy, physical part of us that we hold onto for dear life and return home to Source and even come back in another time and space if we choose to.

So how many persons, caught by the hook would stay when they feel the resonance in the conversations?

One, two, perhaps three brave souls?

When saying Fuck It is the Best Response

September 14th, 2020

I made a big breakthrough today. I said fuck it and meant it. It was not something that came easy for me because I am a people pleaser, always believing that I should say or do whatever it takes to make someone else happy even to my detriment. This stemmed from childhood and the belief that I had to earn the love and attention of those around me by pleasing them. I carried this with me for a long time and was the beneficiary of the bad and the very bad because of it. There are some persons with built-in antennas for the people pleaser and they hone in and take advantage of our inability to say no.

Well, I had enough of the people, places, and things that were not serving my higher purpose and so I let them have it. I think I saw my spirit guides smiling when I made that declaration within myself.

Sometimes in life, we just have to say fuck it, or whatever milder version of the word that you prefer to use.

It makes us neither bad nor uncaring; we just had enough of whatever was being dished out to us.
No more guilt a l’orange.
No more remorse au gratin.
And definitely no more shame with a bouillabaisse sauce.

If you find that you have to say fuck it to grow,
Fuck it to release yourself from negative people,
Fuck it to become a better you,
Fuck it to connect to your divine purpose,

Well then so be it, Fuck it!


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